July 26, 2017

Do You End Up With The Opposite Of What You Want Sometimes?

My message recently about people not getting to their children’s sports days because of work generated more interest than anything else I have ever written, with 10,300 views on LinkedIn so far. This shows how important it is to us to find a way of working[...]

Don’t tell me show me.

At The Leader Centre we understand that it takes a leap of faith to work with a business you haven’t worked with before and that when your senior people are already busy it can feel like added pressure to take time out for training and development.

The problem with that is that when you don’t invest in training and development more of the pressure falls on you and your people and your business fall behind.

So we take that leap of faith with you and instead of just telling you what we do, we show you by offering half a day’s training for your senior team at our expense.

On that half day we show you how your business can achieve more and how senior people can reduce their stress by doing less than they are now.

To book your session simply get in touch via our contact page.

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